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IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal • 2012 • vol. 5 • nº 3
Nanotechnology and Construction: use of nanoindentation measurements to predict macroscale elastic
properties of high strength cementitious composites
for determination of macroscale elastic properties of HPCC based
on multiscale analysis. Based on the obtained results the following
conclusions can be drawn.
The experimental results showed that the use of statistical grid
nanoindentation, which was applied for the mechanical analysis
on the microscale level, can be performed in a very effective and
inexpensive way on the matrix components and provides reliable
estimates of their stiffness.
It has been also proved that the use of several independent experi-
mental techniques and their combination in the homogenization
procedures, offers a cost effective tool for virtual testing of mac-
roscale mechanical performance of HPCC, which is composed by
a mix of different chemical and mechanical phases. This feature
can be highly attractive to the concrete industry, since the use of
described method would dramatically reduced the total volume of
experimental work and, more important, it would enable the pro-
duction of a more predictable composite, in the present case, a
more predictable high performance concrete.
6. Acknowledgements
The support of the Czech Science Foundation (project
103/09/1748), Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University
in Prague (grants No. SGS12/116/OHK1/2T/11 and SGS11/107/
Figure 11 – Evaluation of porosity by optical image analysis: (a) original image,
(b) corrected image, (c) image histograms and (d) final processed image (pores are in black)