IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal • 2013 • vol. 6 • nº 2
G. S. S. A. MELO
LC1 and LC2, but with conservative values
in relation to slabs LC3
and LC4. As for the location of the rupture surface appearance the
code showed good estimates for all slabs. Regarding the CSCT
was observed conservative results, because of the theory that
uses a perimeter of control with a radius of 0.5·
from the column
face and the capital limit. The ratio between the experimental and
rupture loads estimated by the CSCT (
) had an average of
1.32. It is observed that the estimated for LC3 was close to slab
LC4, which indicates a better assessment as to the contribution the
capital for relations
of 1:3 and 1:4. One can also be seen that
in relation to the rupture surface, this theory had good results, but
it is observed in the slab LC2 a balance between the internal and
external rupture loads, with a difference of about 5 kN.
The computational models showed greater stiffness compared
to experimental, with lower displacements for the same load-
ing level, as expected, since the reinforcement of the numerical
model was axisymmetric and the experimental arranged orthogo-
nally. However, regarding the rupture surface, the strains in the
concrete and the rupture loads realize good results in computer
models of experimental relation to mainly the slabs LC1 and LC2,
that showed 5% difference between the experimental and numer-
ical loads. Also shown as approaching to the inclination of rupture
surface computational with what was observed experimentally,
thus confirming the efficiency of the model. For the slabs LC3
and LC4 presented differences in average by 10% from numeri-
cal and experimental rupture loads, as well as good approxima-
tion for rupture surface.
7. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the CNPq and CAPES for finan-
cial support.
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