IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal • 2012 • vol. 5 • nº 4
Parametric study on the behaviour of bolted composite connections
Figure 23 – Comparison of bending moment versus rotation curves and
envelope curves used for parametric analysis of the beams cross section
Bending moment versus rotation curves
Envelope curves
Table 6 – Relationship between the stiffnesses of
the parametric analysis of the beam cross section
Beam cross section
Stiffness (kNm/rad)
Reference section
Seção 1
Seção 2
Seção 3
height used was 160 mm there was an increase of 6%. When
the height of the slab was increased to 180 mm, the stiffness
increased at about 8% compared to the reference model.
These data show that increasing the slab height, the stiffness
of the connection will increase too, but there is a limit to the
height that can provided
significantly influence on stiffness.
Based on the results of parametric analysis of the beam cross
section was not possible to obtain any conclusion about the
influence of this parameter in the behaviour of the connection.
This fact occurred because of the bolts diameter (16.0 mm)
was not suitable for robust beams, such as the sections 1, 2
and 3. After all, the event was important to alert
the engineers
about the correct connections design.
The final conclusion of the paper is that among the analyzed pa-
rameters the one with the most influence on the connection behav-
iour was the diameter of the bolts. Maintaining all other parameters
equal to the reference model and increasing the bolts diameter in
50%, the stiffness was increased by 15%.
9. Acknowledgments
The authors express their thanks to the CNPq for a PhD scholar-
ship, the FAPESP for the thematic project “Nucleation and growth
of research, innovation and diffusion in precast concrete and com-
posite structures for the construction of modernization”, which
provided financial support for the construction of the experimental
model, the Structures Laboratory of Department of Structural Engi-
neering School of Engineering of Sao Carlos – USP which carried
out the test as well as all persons who contributed to the testing.
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