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IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal • 2012 • vol. 5 • nº 6
and displacement fields presented in figures 6 and 7.
By examining the field of horizontal stresses, figure 6, it may be ob-
served, as already reported in [10], the development of tensile stress-
es in the upper edge at the span center, rather than compression
stresses, contrary to the meaning of the scientific literature on the sub-
ject, based on the theory of elasticity. This response pattern is corrob-
orated by the morphology of vertical displacements field, figure 7.b,
sinking more pronounced in the region beneath the load, of course,
resulting on a down-oriented concavity curvature, in the vicinity of the
span center, to the horizontal line at the top of the beam, figure 8.
The curves on figure 9 confirm the incidence of such tensile stress-
es. Note that, just beneath the top line of the beam surface, the
tensile stresses change to compressive stresses, assuming maxi-
mum value of, approximately, 4.7 MPa, at the point distant 1.80 m
from its lower edge. It turns out that, in point at 1.20 m of that edge,
the stress assume null value egain, thereafter to be tension, reach-
ing value of 1.1 MPa at a distance of 1.00 m from both edges. It
represents, therefore, the establishment of two neutral axys at the
section under consideration.
To the section localized 0.40 m from the span center, it is observed
that the maximum horizontal stress compression focuses on the area
placed immediately beneath the load application surface, Figure 10.
Its intensity is around 15.7 MPa. There is even the occurrence of
maximum horizontal tensile stress in the point 0.60 m distant from
Figure 8 – Top of the beam horizontal
line deformed configuration
Figure 9 – Horizontal stress
heigth at the span center section
Figure 10 – Horizontal stress
heigth at
the section beneath the load aplication surface
Figure 11 – Horizontal stress
loading at the
section beneath the load aplication surface